Friday, December 11, 2009

Sweeping the snow away!

I looked for opportunities to do so some service, and with the fall of snow i had my opportunity to do so. So when it came I set out to clear my neighbors snow. When I looked around for a shovel I realized that I didn't have a shovel...but I had a broom. So I swept away the snow. It wasn't too bad because there was only two inches of snow. But the next morning there was more just about six inches, and I soon realized that my broom was not the most efficient method of snow removal, but it got the job done. So with the weather predictions calling for more snow that evening I went to the store and bought a sturdy looking shovel. Sure enough the snow came and I was anxious to put my new shovel to use, but when I looked out I saw that all of my snow had been shoveled. My neighbor had beat me to the job. Looks like i'm not the only going to get the blessings, but we'll see what happens the next time it snows, it'll be a race for the blessings.


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